We are all about positivity, health, and mind-body awareness, so when this dynamic young lady joined as a client and I heard what she did, of course, I had to share it!
Meagan Daniels, MEd., LPC, helps young minds with RunWalk Therapy.
She utilizes RunWalk Therapy for ages 12 to college students. The younger children take advantage of her fun work with Play Therapy! The first session involves an assessment to determine the best plan of action for each individual. Along with understanding the need to disconnect and calm the mind with meditative type stillness, being outside with her patients in an active way has shown benefits beyond measure.
RunWalk Therapy is an innovative tool to benefit mental health. As an avid runner and former athlete at Texas Tech, Meagan experienced the mental health benefits of exercise first hand. Once in graduate school, she became more aware of the science behind exercise and mental health. Cardio exercise has been shown to decrease depression and anxiety. It is a simple and effective way to calm the nervous system and breaks down the stress hormone.
One of the primary benefits of each RunWalk session is that they are held outside. Being outside can calm the mind and allow better focus. The client and Meagan will walk, run, or sit side-by-side the entire session, depending on how the client is feeling that day. The act of doing the same activity brings automatic connection and purpose to each session.
RunWalk Therapy is about helping each client use exercise as a coping skill for their mental health while increasing the “happy” chemicals and hormones your brain and body naturally make during exercise.

Meagan Daniels, MEd., LPC 806.340.0713 x 4 Office 6520 University Ave., Ste 5 Lubbock, TX 79413 www.playroomlubbock.com #meagandanielscounseling