I have heard this phrase in the past 2 weeks from various dynamic, beautiful, and witty women in their 60’s stating this is the stage of life they are now in. What!?! At what point in our lives did we start listening to – and worse – believing a statement that someone, no doubt in their own “well-meaning” style concluded. If you allow statements to label you, knowing they are false, then you will fall into the trap of becoming what “they” think. Who are “they” anyway and really, who cares? Fact: Everyone gets older. Fact: Outer beauty will fade. Fact: Inner beauty and strength MORE than compensate for this supposed loss. (You are only as pretty on the outside as you are on the inside!) Fact: You can’t control others comments. Fact: you CAN decide to let it gracefully fall to the side and not allow it to enter your thoughts. It is not yours, remember?
This struck a nerve with me because I have been blessed to have observed and learned from incredible role-models that helped to pave the road for the rest of us. First, my mother. Wow, she was anything but invisible! Then the mentors that have supported and helped me along my life journey – amazing is an understatement for these ladies. Reflecting on their lives and accomplishments, they all had similarities that we can draw from to prove “them” wrong.
Finding it hard to battle against those that think (I use ‘think’ loosely in this case) you are invisible? Here are some of the similar traits of the trailblazers as mentioned above that you can utilize to get you back!
First, appreciate the person you have become. You are smarter, stronger, more attractive and have, undoubtedly, a more empathetic, caring and understanding heart than when you were younger.
Second, now is the time to really start taking care of yourself. This is not only health related issues like eating with mindfulness and working out, it means spiritually and mentally.
Yes, it is critical to start using weight-bearing exercises (lifting weights, Pilates, elliptical, etc.) to help thwart bone and muscle loss. Approach exercise with a fresh mindset that you are building a new and better you for your later years and it won’t seem so daunting. Choose organic vegetables and fruits whenever possible. With all of the wonderful Farmers Markets and local growers, the fresh choices are abundant this time of year. Now is also a great time to experiment with the various fermented foods available. Items like sauerkraut, kefir, and Kombucha make this easier than ever. These prebiotics help your digestive system function better along with providing essential good bacteria for your body. And as you already know, drink plenty of filtered water.
Finally, you need to sweat to help rid your body of impurities and toxins. Two of the mentors discussed at the beginning started using Infrared over 15 years ago, and it is no wonder why they always looked so great! Utilizing Infrared Sauna therapy at My Sweat Hut, you can work on mindfulness and spirituality while you are getting a deep and detoxifying sweat. You have 30 min. In a private room to sit back and relax in your sauna, listen to your favorite inspirational podcast or book, listen to music, meditate, pray….the time is yours!
Reflect on all of the positives in your life, your strengths, what you are working on to improve, a new hobby you’d like to do… Mainly, learning how to gift yourself with positive self-talk EVERY day. You are worth it.
Invisible? No way.