“What you think about, you bring about.”
The title is a famous quote by, Bob Proctor. Or how about: “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” ~ Buddha; Last one, “What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming.” ~ Muhammed Ali. I can only imagine how many similar sayings there are to compare! The surprising correlation between every one of them is how each of them rings true to our very cells.
I recently started reading the book, The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, by Bruce H. Lipton, PH.D., and his studies struck a powerful cord with my own beliefs, feelings, faith, and core principals. My mother was THE most positive, optimistic person in the world and she definitely transferred those traits not only to me but anyone around her. It was from this bedrock that I began reading, learning and modeling my life by the intrinsic value of positive thought, prayer, and the energy we possess. Which leads me back to, The Biology of Belief. We have heard that all you need to do is think about someone, mention their name in a loving, caring way, and they show up or call unexpectedly! Or even that you can “feel” negative energy from people or places. To take it further, essential oils are experiencing an overwhelming surge due to their positive health benefits. It is finally becoming less of a mystery as to why we respond so well to them, and to the thoughts of others.
Essential oils all have their own vibration. What does this mean? Every plant has a unique characteristic, a healing ability all its own and these traits and vibrational energies are condensed into essential oils once they are properly distilled.
In our body, each cell has what is called, IMPs, or Integral Membrane Proteins.
“These proteins allow nutrients, waste materials, as well as other forms of ‘information’ to be transported across the membrane.” pg. 65. There are numerous types, but they can all be subdivided into receptor and effector proteins. In a VERY loose nutshell, receptors respond (have an awareness) to environmental signals, (like little antennas), whereas the effector proteins put what the receptor proteins “detected” into action. There are literally thousands of both of these in EVERY cell of our body.
“Receptor ‘antennas’ can also read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound, and radio frequencies. The antennas on these “energy receptors vibrate like tuning forks. If an energy vibration in the environment resonates with a receptor’s antenna, it will alter the protein’s charge, causing the receptor to change shape. (Tsong 1989)…Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces, including thought, as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules like penicillin, a fact that provides the scientific underpinning for pharmaceutical-free energy medicine.” pgs .65, 66.
Scientists began to recognize the level of importance of this research in the last 20 years and a new field of study has risen from it called, “signal transduction.” “The study of signal transduction is catapulting the membrane to center stage, just as the field of epigenetics is highlighting the role of the chromosome’s proteins.” pg. 66
Is it any wonder then why the power of prayer, meditation, gratefulness, love, hate, negative energy and positive energy have such a profound affect on our lives?
To me, this indicates that our membranes harness the power of thought, intention and “self talk” just became exponentially more important! We have always had the power to change, to make our lives better, to BE better. Some people needed scientific “proof” that you could, well, it seems now you have it.
I’d like to add infrared sauna therapy to the mix. Infrared light is part of the sun’s invisible spectrum of lights that has the ability to penetrate human tissue. Your body’s core temperature increases thus resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat from the cellular level of the skin where many toxins are formed. Understanding a little bit now of how the cell membrane functions to help the cell survive, you can see that reducing the toxic load in the cells is more important than ever!